How to kitten proof your home

Posted by Argos, 20 March 2018, last updated 2 March 2023.

Making sure your home is kitten proof is a key part to your bringing home a kitten checklist. Bringing home a new kitten can be a stressful process for a number of reasons. They can be timid animals, therefore being in an unfamiliar environment, around new smells and people can cause some unexpected behaviour.

Your kitten is likely to find a comfortable hiding spot until they’re happy to socialise with their new family. So ensuring that you kitten proof your home is one of the most important things on the agenda. It will give you peace of mind that your pet is happy and healthy, and we’ve got everything you need to know right here with our top tips.

How to kitten proof wires

Make sure your cables are out of the way with a cable management kit to avoid any chewing. Unplugging any electrical items that aren’t in use will also prevent any danger. If your new kitten is a chewer, they could be at risk of a nasty shock.

If you’re unable to unplug or hide wires from your kitten, there are alternative options. You can purchase a bad-tasting substance from any pet shop to spray on your wires. While this is non-toxic and safe for your pet, they won’t be in a rush to chew again.

As well as electrical cords, make sure blind cords and curtain ties are secured and out of the way. Kittens chewing and pawing at these cords could be at risk of strangulation, even if they seem completely harmless to your pet.

Keep doors closed

There’s nothing a cat loves more than a warm, dry place to take a nap. Unfortunately, some dangerous places in your home fit that description, including your dryer and cupboards.

Always make sure your dryer door is closed and double check it’s empty before putting your clothes in. Keep any chemicals and medicines locked away too. Cleaning products can smell and taste delicious to your pet, which is a recipe for disaster for curious cats.

Cats are always on the lookout for new water sources to sip from throughout the day. While drinking from the toilet isn’t an appealing option to you, your kitten just sees it as a big bowl of water. Make sure you keep a lid on it to prevent the risk of drowning.

Know about poisonous plants for cats

A large number of common plants are poisonous to your cat, some of which may be surprising. You should make sure all of the plants in and around your home aren’t harmful to your kitten. The long list of over 1000 poisonous plants to your cat includes:

  • Aloe
  • Lillies
  • Daffodils
  • Orange
  • Tulips
  • Ivy

If your cat accidentally eats any of these plants, make sure you seek urgent care from your vet to minimise the danger to your pet’s health. You can read our advice on what to do if your pet eats a potentially poisonous plant here.

cat with plant

Keep fragile items out of the way

Rearrange your home before your new kitten does. Make sure that fragile ornaments are moved to a spot where they’re less likely to be knocked over.

Kittens like to explore their new surroundings when comfortable and no surface is safe. Cats are determined animals and once they have their mind set on reaching somewhere, they’ll stop at nothing to get there. Even at the expense of your favourite ornament.

Don’t just kitten proof your home – make it kitten-friendly too

Even if you’re a kitten-proofing expert, your pet is likely to find a way to get into mischief at home.

Giving them safe options, such as their own hiding spot and a range of toys to entertain themselves is likely to keep them out of trouble.

We hope this has helped you understand what to do when you bring a kitten home and how to make sure they are as comfortable and safe in their new space as possible, whilst also protecting your belongings.

Make your home kitten safe and remember to keep yourself protected from unexpected vet bills with Argos Pet Insurance provided by Pinnacle Insurance plc. Explore our cat insurance policies today.

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