What can dogs not eat?
A lot of dog owners know to keep chocolate and sweet treats out of reach from their furry friends, but there is often some uncertainty around what other foods can potentially make their dog poorly. It’s normal for owners to want to spoil their dogs and share their food with them, but in some cases, human food can be dangerous and life-threatening to a dog, so it’s important to be aware of what those foods are.
So, what food can’t dogs eat? Below we’ve put together a list of foods your precious pooch should avoid to keep them happy and healthy.
What fruit can’t dogs eat?
Whilst some fruit can be fed to dogs in small portions as part of a mixed diet, there are a variety of fruits that should be kept well away from your dog’s food bowl, these include:
- Grapes and raisins – these both contain tartaric acid which can be poisonous to dogs and cause vomiting and diarrhoea.
- Cherries – the pit of a cherry can contain cyanide which is poisonous, and the pit can also become lodged in a dog’s digestive region, causing a blockage.
- Lemons and limes – there are high levels of citric acid in lemons and limes and these flavoured juices are toxic for dogs.
- Rhubarbs – rhubarb contains calcium oxalate which can cause irritation and upset a dog’s stomach.
- Grapefruits – similarly to limes and lemons, the high level of citric acid in grapefruit can be toxic for dogs.
- Plums – plums can be a choking hazard for dogs and cause difficulty breathing due to the pit of the plum.
Why can’t dogs eat grapes and similar fruits?
Any fruits containing pips, seeds or cores can be very dangerous to dogs and can potentially be fatal. Fruit often contains a high amount of sugar which should only be included in small portions as part of a balanced diet, as too much sugar can cause an upset stomach.

What vegetables can’t dogs eat?
There’s a selection of vegetables that can be eaten in small amounts by your dog, however, some veggies that your precious pooch must avoid are:
- Avocados – avocado plants contain a substance called Persin which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea.
- Asparagus – these vegetables are too harsh on your dog’s digestive system and could also be a choking hazard for them (especially raw asparagus).
- Onions – onions are from a group of plants called Alliums which contain toxins that damage red blood cells and can be poisonous to dogs.
- Tomatoes – this vegetable contains toxins that can lead to tomatine poisoning if a large amount is consumed.
- Corn-on-the-cob – although it is not poisonous to dogs, corn-on-the-cob can negatively affect a dog’s digestive system, potentially leading to an intestinal rupture.
- Leeks – the toxic ingredients in leeks can damage a dog’s red blood cells and result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
- Potatoes – raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to dogs. Cooked potatoes have reduced levels of solanine, but you should still be cautious about feeding it to your dog.
- Mushrooms – different types of mushrooms can have an effect on your dog’s liver and cause an upset stomach.
- Garlic – garlic contains thiosulfate which is toxic for dogs and can cause damage to their red blood cells, potentially leading to conditions such as hemolytic anemia.
Why can’t dogs eat onions and other types of veg?
Any vegetables that are part of the family of plants called Allium, such as onions, leeks and chives, are poisonous to pets and classed as toxic food for dogs. They can cause ruptures, vomiting and severe stomach pain and whilst some breeds are more susceptible to it, the risk applies to all dogs.

What meats can’t dogs eat?
It’s important to keep your dog away from any processed meats that contain high salt and fat content, as these can all cause issues with digestion. Some meats can be fed to dogs in small amounts as an occasional treat, but the main meats that you should avoid feeding your dog are:
- Any raw meats – raw meat contains harmful bacteria that can lead to your dog developing a foodborne illness or bacterial infection.
- Sausages/hot dogs – these types of manufactured meats can contain sulphite preservatives which can be fatal for dogs.
- Bacon – bacon has a high fat and salt content that can cause an upset stomach.
- Ham – often store-bought ham contains a high amount of sodium which isn’t good for a dog’s digestive system.
If you want to treat your pooch, the best meats to opt for are chicken and turkey, but always make sure there is no trace of bones.
We hope this has given you a good idea of the dangerous foods for dogs that you should always keep out of reach from your cheeky pup, as well as out of their food bowl. Not every single food type that dogs shouldn’t eat is listed above as this is just a small guide on the common foods that are best to avoid. Explore our guide to What Dogs Can Eat to find out more information on what you should be feeding your furry friend.
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